Please click on the link below to walk around the school on a virtual tour with the Headteacher.

Starting School in the Early Years

Please look through these resources to support your child when they are starting school in the Early Years; Nursery and Reception Class.

hmps starting school advice to tick.pdf


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Healthy Living


Self Care


Toilet Training


 An insight into Nursery

Please click here to see the Nursery Prospectus

An insight into the Reception Classroom

Each class has an animal name. Your animal name will stay with you throughout your school career. In September 2020 we will welcome Turtles Class. Click on the video below to meet your teacher and hear about your special task to complete over the summer. The picture galleries below will let you look around the classroom and see how we learn outside too. We look forward to welcoming you to Herbert Morrison Primary School.




  Please speak to your class teacher for more support specific to your child if you need to.

We look forward to welcoming you and your child to Herbert Morrison Primary School and Nursery Class.

Part of the Wyvern Federation