
Here are a few quotes from our most recent Ofsted inspection (May 2023):

This is a joyous and inspirational place.

Behaviour is impeccable.

A rich and ambitious curriculum that provides pupils with the skills and knowledge they need in later life.

Pupils have exceptionally positive attitudes to learning.
Staff said they love working at the school.
Teachers know their pupils well and adapt the curriculum to meet individual needs. This helps them create many moments when each pupil can shine. 
Pupils said that learning here was fun.
The schools approach to behaviour is built around respect.
Children in early years are exceptionally well prepared for Year 1 and beyond.
Teachers strengthen pupils' understanding across the curriculum.
Many opportunities to visit all that London has to offer.
Leaders provide a wide range of opportunities for pupils to develop their character, resilience and responsibility.
They are determined that all children will succeed.

Herbert Morrison is graded by Ofsted as OUTSTANDING again

You can read the May 2023 Ofsted report below. It is also available on the Ofsted Website.

hm ofsted report may 2023 .pdf


Parent View

At Herbert Morrison we value the voice of our parent body and the role parents play in school improvement.

One of the ways in which we facilitate this is through Parent View. Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about Herbert Morrison Primary School by asking for your opinion on 12 aspects of school life. Ofsted use the information you provide when making decisions about which schools to inspect, and when. To register and complete a survey about our school, visit the Parent View Website.

For information on School Performance Tables, please visit the Department for Education website. End of Key Stage results for our school can also be found by visiting the School Performance Data page on our website.

School Development Plan example

sdp contents page herberts 1920.pdf

Part of the Wyvern Federation