
Our meals are very good value and reach the high nutritional standards imposed on us by the government.

The meals are freshly cooked every day and I urge you to take up school lunches instead of providing a packed lunch.

We place our order for the fresh ingredients such as yoghurt, vegetables, salads, fruits, fish, chicken etc six weeks in advance so children are not allowed to have a cooked meal one day and a packed lunch the next. If you want to change you can only do this at the start of the term and remain with your choice for that term.

Click here to see:

 Sample menu of our school lunches - please follow the School Dinners tab for the current menu and theme days

Whether you are eligible for Free School Meals

If you do choose to give your child a packed lunch, here are some ideas on how to keep it varied.

Packed lunches are monitored to ensure they are healthy. Please note that there must not be any sweets or drinks in packed lunches.

All children are provided with water at meal time.

Are you missing out on Free School Meals?

Follow this link to double check:

Part of the Wyvern Federation