Extra-Curricular Offer

Breakfast Club

Children from Reception to Year 6 are welcome to join us for breakfast every morning from 8.30am until 9am.

Children must arrive before 8.45am. Parents do not need to book a place and it is FREE to Herbert Morrison children.  Breakfast club is supervised by school staff. Children are offered a range of cereal, toast and fruit. Please complete the registration form to ensure staff are aware of any allergies.

We have partnered with Junior Adventure Group (JAG) to offer wrap-around care from 7.30am to 5.50pm.

Click here to go to the JAG wrap-around- care information page to register and book a place

See below for information about the clubs on offer at school or click here for the timetable

Extra Curricular Clubs

Herbert Morrison offers a range of after school clubs for children to enjoy from 3.30-4.30pm.

Clubs are offered at £3 per session unless otherwise stated. Clubs must be paid for a term in advance. Pupil Premium pupils have a reduced price by £1 per session. To support larger families it is agreed that if you have more than one child attending the same club you pay 100% for the first child and 50% for subsequent siblings. Please pay in full on line and then speak to the office for a refund.

Timetable of clubs on offer this term.

Day Trips

At Herbert Morrison we aim to provide pupils with rich opportunities for educational visits throughout the school year.

Schools trips provide pupils with real life experiences, making learning meaningful while supporting pupil engagement with curriculum topics. Children from all year groups are invited to attend trips within the local area as well as beyond. When planning where to visit, teachers take into account trip costs such as travel, entry, workshops and lunch. While the school works hard to minimise the cost of educational visits, there may be some occasions where parents are asked to voluntarily contribute towards their child’s attendance on the visit.

School Journeys

When in Year 5 and Year 6 pupils have the opportunity to take part in residential school journeys which include over night stay.

Swapping urban life for rural surroundings, these school journeys are packed full of adventure with outdoor learning activities. In order to support the costs of attending a school journey, the school subsidises a percentage of the cost per pupil and provides parents with the option of making payments over a fixed period of time.

With both day trips and school journeys, parents are encouraged to contact the school office if they are unable to make a full payment.

Part of the Wyvern Federation