Able Gifted and Talented
At Herbert Morrison Primary school we are committed to providing an environment which encourages all pupils to reach and maximise their full potential. We believe that children’s education should develop each child’s personality, talents and abilities to the fullest. (Article 29 UNICEF)
We aim for all to be encouraged and make the very most of the opportunities offered. We encourage children to be autonomous learners who can make informed decisions and choices as is underpinned by Article 12 of the UNICEF convention.
How are children identified as being Able, Gifted and Talented?
The DCSF (Department for Children, Schools and Families) identifies ‘Able, gifted and talented’ (A, G&T) pupils as those who have the potential to achieve to a level significantly above the average for their year group in their school.
Able children are those who have the potential to attain the highest in end of KS tests. The term ‘gifted’ or “exceptionally able” refers to those pupils who are capable of excelling, beyond expectation, in academic subjects such as History or English whilst ‘talented’ refers to those pupils who may excel in areas requiring visual or spatial skills such as in PE, drama or art. It is note-worthy that only 2% of pupils nationally are considered to be exceptionally able.
Pupils may be identified as being Able, Gifted and Talented by any member of staff, specialist teacher or sports coach. Parents are also encouraged to share information about their child’s talents which we may not be aware of in school.
What provision is on offer at Herbert Morrison?
Our teachers and support staff are trained and experienced in ensuring all pupils are challenged through Quality First Teaching. There are also additional opportunities offered for pupils showing aptitude for particular subjects or skills which may include small group work and projects to extend their learning, projects and lessons with outside specialists including music teachers, sports coaches and art teachers as well as intervention sessions to focus on any areas of weakness. Able, Gifted and Talented pupils have also been targeted for extra-curricular activities such as attending writing workshops run by visiting authors or attending projects at the Southbank Centre or taking over the Haywood Gallery!
What support is available for parents?
Parents should feel free to discuss any questions or concerns with the class teacher or speak with the Able, Gifted and Talented Lead, Mrs Coombs. We also run a series of workshops and information sessions throughout the year which parents are invited to attend. Some of these sessions are for parents only whilst others give an opportunity to learn alongside your child. If you have any requests or suggestions for future sessions, please contact Mrs Coombs.